Education for the Working Adult
Higher education is the key to getting ahead in most work settings Danielle Hunter Rush Jersey , but if you work full-time, when will you find time to take classes? Online community college classes can be a terrific way to advance your education without having to take a leave of absence from your job. Another great advantage of taking community college classes is that they are usually far more affordable than classes from four-year colleges and universities. Now that a four-year college degree leaves so many students with huge college loan debts, many more people are turning to community college classes for their first two years of study and saving a lot of money.
An Affordable Option for Many
Taking a leave of absence from work to finish up a degree is simply not an option for most people. Neither is taking classes from a private (or many public) universities due to cost constraints. For the past generation, tuition costs have increased much faster than the general inflation rate, forcing many people to take out huge loans just to finish their education. It can take many Eric Kendricks Rush Jersey , many years after entering the workforce with a degree just to pay back educational loans. Fortunately, community colleges are usually more affordable, and when their courses are available online, they're more convenient too.
Your Credits May Transfer to a Four-Year School
In many cases, online community college credit can be transferred to a four-year school so that you can finish the last two years of your degree without having to retake coursework. When you are choosing online community college courses Trae Waynes Rush Jersey , check with your adviser about transferability of your online community college credit. Some state school systems set up their community colleges specifically so that credits transfer into four-year degree programs, allowing students to save significant amounts of money while pursuing a college education.
Self-Paced Learning in a Low Pressure Environment
Many online classes are self-paced, so that you can tackle assignments at your own pace and avoid the pressure that comes from in-person classes where schedules are fixed. Many people find online learning to involve far less pressure to perform than traditional classroom classes. Furthermore, online classes allow students to do their coursework when their schedule allows rather than trying to schedule work and family commitments around class times. This is also great for night owls and for people who can't work traditional daytime classes into their schedules.
This is the Future of Higher Education